Nintendojo FM Episode 005: SwapNot

SwapNote can’t send notes anymore! Nintendo sales for this quarter are up! Brain Ages are skyrocketing!

By Kyle England. Posted 11/08/2013 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis


Kyle and Lukas discuss such Nintendo events as the discontinuation of SwapNote‘s SpotPass, Nintendo sales numbers, and new releases. It’s all rounded off with a look back at Brain Age, the classic brain training DS game.

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Recording Date
November 4, 2013

Kyle and Lukas

Show Contents
00:00:00 – Introduction
00:02:36 – New Release: Assassin’s Creed, Wii Fit U, Call of Duty
00:24:28 – Listener Feedback
00:32:48 – SwapNote SpotPass Discontinued
00:43:43 – Nintendo’s Fiscal Year Reports: July to September
00:54:02 – Wii Mini Coming to North America
01:00:17 – VD-Dev’s New 3DS Engine
01:06:33 – Player Input: More Batman, Pokémon, & Phoenix Wright
01:20:57 – Older Game Discussion: Brain Age
01:36:25 – Outro
01:37:11 Total Length


Music Credits

  • Intro Theme: “Loading Screen” by Glitch City
  • Enter Chibi-Robo! – Hirofumi Taniguchi – Chibi-Robo! – Nintendo GameCube – 2005
  • Item Fanfare – Koji Kondo – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Nintendo 64 – 1998
  • SwapNote Theme – Composer Unknown – SwapNote – Nintendo 3DS – 2011
  • Brain Age Themes – Minako Hamano & Akito Nakatsuka – Brain Age – Nintendo DS – 2005
  • The Best and Only Place for Killer Video Game Remixes

2 Responses to “Nintendojo FM Episode 005: SwapNot”

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    One thing I didn’t realize with the death of SwapNote was how pointless it makes my friend list.

    Few people have the same games I do, and without any way to communicate or potentially organize a game session there is really no point in being friends with anyone I don’t interact with directly on a regular basis.

    Maybe that was Nintendo’s goal, maybe it’s just a side-effect – but it’s a massive disappointment either way and greatly reduces my interest in using my 3DS on a daily basis.

    • 1570 points
      penduin says...

      I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t do much online gaming on 3DS (with friends, anyway) but that would indeed suck.

      All previous DSes had PictoChat, and I was really expecting the 3DS to get some online evolution of that. SwapNote sort of filled that role, and I assume there’s some version of Miiverse coming, but in the meantime, you’re right, there isn’t any generic way to communicate with friends online.

      Now if they’d just release Flipnote Studio 3D already…

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