Top Ten: Overlooked Wii Games

Dustin counts down ten Wii games you should have been playing!

By Dustin Grissom. Posted 02/04/2014 09:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

GoldenEye 007 (Wii) ScreenshotHere’s a game that I never thought truly got the attention it deserved. It is perhaps the most beautiful 2D platformer I’ve played– and yes, I’ve played Rayman Legends! If Nintendo were to continue with this gorgeous, hand drawn animation for a future game on Wii U, the results would be stunning. This isn’t to say the game isn’t stunning on Wii, because it is. It looks awesome– seriously, just look at it! Anyway, in an attempt to refocus my mind away from the gorgeous visuals, I’ll begin talking about the gameplay, which is, wouldn’t you know it, quite fun! It may not have the depth of the previous Wario Land titles, but the linearity certainly helps the game more than it hinders it. It is an old-school platformer with gorgeous visuals. You should look at it, but make sure you remember that there is a pretty great game to play as well under the beautiful exterior!

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5 Responses to “Top Ten: Overlooked Wii Games”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    Great list! Almost makes me want to give GoldenEye another try. (I’m useless at cover shooters, but love stealth gameplay. My relationship with that particular game is complicated. :^)

    I’d like to throw out a few other under-appreciated gems:
    – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
    – NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
    – Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
    – Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure

    None of those are for everybody (as one would expect from overlooked games), but all are great in their own right. I was tempted to list Sonic and the Secret Rings too, though I’m not sure it was “overlooked” so much as some of us loved it while others can’t be happy no matter what Sonic does. (see: Lost World reviews ;^)

  • 96 points
    ElectricOutcast says...

    At least we can still play these on Wii U and I might look at a few of these games but some (IE Silent Hill and Dead Space) they’re just not for me

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Oh, this is just a great list, really loving every single choice. I would throw A Boy and His Blob, de Blob 1 & 2, Zach & Wiki, and Spyborgs on this list, too… along with a few others. Can we just say Wii’s library in general was overlooked?

  • 207 points
    Jon Stevens says...

    Little King’s Story is another one which really didn’t get enough appreciation.

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