Poll: Plucking Pikmin

Pikmin 3 is launching in North America next week. Will you be picking up a copy?

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 07/29/2013 13:00 4 Comments     ShareThis

[Poll] Question Block Masthead Green

It’s no secret that Wii U has been in the midst of a severe software drought the past couple of months, but all that’s about to change with the release of Pikmin 3 in North America next week. It’s certainly been a long time coming; after the game was quietly announced at E3 2008, it slipped into obscurity until finally resurfacing at last year’s expo, when it was unveiled as one Wii U’s flagship titles, set to hit the console within its “launch window.” As it turns out, that was not meant to be, and Pikmin fans (and Wii U owners who purchased the system just for the title) were forced to wait until the middle of summer to play the anticipated game.

Now that Pikmin 3 is finally on the cusp of release, we want to know, will you be picking up a copy of the game when it launches next week? Cast your vote in our poll below, and share your thoughts on the game with us in the comments!

[poll id=”164″]

4 Responses to “Poll: Plucking Pikmin”

  • 192 points
    Robin Wilde says...

    I’ve got it. It’s good!

  • 45 points
    terribledeli says...

    I purchased a Wii U for reasons other than Pikmin 3, but I still am getting it at launch.

  • 1594 points
    penduin says...

    I got a Wii U right away, for Pikmin 3 and for Rayman. Within the next month or two, I’ll finally have my launch lineup! ;^)

    I’ve had plenty of fun in the meantime, of course. Scribblenauts and ZombiU are awesome, Mario and Luigi U are very good, and of course there’s Earthbound, Megaman X and a bunch of 30-cent classics.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    I will buy it when I can.

    I would have gotten it already, but I missed the deal where you add $100 to get $10 into the eShop. I’ve actually been waiting to get Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara first because that would net me another $5 through Nintendo’s Digital Deluxe Promotion.

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