Special: Pipe Dreams

This week, the Dojo staff talk about some of the unlikely games they’d love to see.

By Nintendojo Staff. Posted 07/30/2013 10:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

We all have that one dream game we hope will be developed, despite how unlikely it may seem. We here at Nintendojo are no different. That’s why, for the rest of the week, the Dojo staff will be discussing some of their personal dream games, from the logical (a Wii U followup to Pokémon Snap) to the near-impossible (a Retro-developed Banjo-Kazooie game). We hope you enjoy!

Pipe Dreams: Pokémon Snap 2

Marc imagines a trip back to sunny Pokémon Island.

Read the full article here!

Pipe Dreams: Banjo-Threeie

Will we ever see a true Banjo sequel back where it belongs?

Read the full article here!

Round Table: Other Pipe Dreams

A few other staffers weigh in with some of their personal dream games.

Read the full article here!

3 Responses to “Special: Pipe Dreams”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I know it’s been mentioned on the site before, but under the heading of “pipe dreams” I think it’s worth one more plug…

    A successor to Eternal Darkness!

    For myself and I’m sure plenty of others here, this has been a pipe dream for a long time. We now have the chance to not only pitch in and make it happen, but to shape it and give the developers input.

    To anyone who was turned off by the first crowdfunding pitch, please give the new campaign a quick read and reconsider.

    To anyone who loved Eternal Darkness but hasn’t looked into this, please do so.

    To anyone who wants to see more adult-oriented games on Wii U, this one will be well worth the long preorder! :^)

  • 702 points
    Matthew Tidman says...

    Super Mario RPG 2. ‘Nuf said.

  • 288 points
    JPtheNintendoFan says...

    Maybe a combined action/adventure/racing game consisting of F-Zero Metroid and Star Fox.

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