Time Presents 10 Reasons to Buy a Wii U This Holiday

Another renowned publication shows Nintendo’s console some love.

By Sam Stewart. Posted 12/05/2013 15:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

News Desk Masthead - Wii U 3

The New York Times recently called Wii U the only console worth owning this holiday. We reported on this story last week, and this week Time magazine presents its own 10 reasons why you need a Wii U more than a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One. The list is both well thought out and well written, and covers every reason why I love my Wii U. A cheaper price tag, a better game library, backwards compatibility, and the GamePad all create a convincing argument that I can get behind. Writer Matt Peckham also points out some of the system’s flaws, but that’s only fair since no system is perfect.

As an early adopter of the PlayStation 4, I can confirm that the console is already starting to collect dust on my desk. Sometime next year I will hopefully be playing some big games like Uncharted, but this holiday season it’s my Wii U that is getting played for hours on end. How about you? Do you have any of the next generation systems? Which one is your favorite? Are you planning on picking any more consoles up this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo Life

3 Responses to “Time Presents 10 Reasons to Buy a Wii U This Holiday”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Just read this, and the man is SPOT. ON. Go read the link if you haven’t, Nintendojo fans. Pieces like that give me hope for Nintendo’s future.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    The big concern about Wii U is third party support. That’s just not happening, and there will be no change (for the better) in the short term.

    Is a Wii U worth the money? For many people it is. Is a Wii U the best choice to get *right now*? Again, for many people it could be.

    What will be interesting is to see how PS4 and XBone do next Christmas when the good games are starting to trickle in. At that point it might be harder to make the argument that Wii U is the console to buy for parents and casual gamers… or not. Depends on what happens in the next 8-12 months!

    • 784 points
      Marc Deschamps says...

      While you certainly have a good point, I’d argue that some of the third party titles on Wii U have been some of my favorites! Granted, you can find them on other consoles, but DuckTales, Batman: Arkham City, Resident Evil: Revelations and LEGO Marvel Superheroes are all phenomenal games that use the Wii U’s features very well. If Nintendo promotes those kinds of games heavily in addition to their superior first party software, I could see the ride turning in their favor, especially if other outlets like these continue to pick up on it.

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