Naughty Dog Co-Founder Calls Nintendo “Irrelevant as a Hardware Manufacturer”

Pitchfork? Check. Torch? Check…

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 12/02/2013 15:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

In a recent interview on the show Bonus Round, Jason Rubin, formerly of Naughty Dog and THQ, made some interesting comments about Nintendo, and the Wii U, specifically. Rubin stated that he believes Nintendo isn’t a factor in this console generation.

“Nintendo has stumbled,” said Rubin. “Nintendo is irrelevant as a hardware manufacturer in the console business right now.”

Rubin went on to defend Nintendo as a developer, however. “And again, before the hate mail comes in, I will say to whichever camera is on right now, a worldwide treasure, Nintendo [is]. There is no developer… that will ever be [Nintendo visionary Shigeru] Miyamoto. It is a crime that we do not play those games on the systems that we have.”

This holiday season could set a strong tone not only for the future of Nintendo, but of the very gaming industry itself. While Wii U’s struggles have been written about at length, little has been said about Sony’s own struggles, which reach far beyond the video game industry. While the Wii U has many detractors, the NY Times recently called the Wii U the “only new console with a video game worth playing.” Perhaps this is why so many people want to see Nintendo release games on other systems?

Regardless of intent, it’s interesting to see what other people in the industry are saying about the Wii U. As always, let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Source: IGN

One Response to “Naughty Dog Co-Founder Calls Nintendo “Irrelevant as a Hardware Manufacturer””

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    I laughed when I read his commentary, considering this guy went on to help run THQ into the ground and out of business. I’ll take his opinion with a grain of salt as I play the heck out of 3D World and look forward to everything else coming down the road. Everyone wrote off 3DS; let’s hope Wii U can prove them wrong again.

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