Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Update Detailed

New version to adjust balance at the cost of saved replays.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 11/11/2014 17:30 2 Comments     ShareThis

A post made online by Nintendo has revealed that Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will be updated to version 1.0.4 sometime this month.

Like many patches, this update will fix known issues along with tweaking and balancing the gameplay, but this update will come with a cost some might find unfortunate. Any saved replays running on the current version, 1.0.3, will be not viewable once your game is updated to the newer version. Technically, you could refuse to update the game, but then you will not be able to play online at all, or locally with anybody running the newer version.

So, if you do have some awesome moments saved, I recommend getting out your smart phone or video camera to make yourself a backup.

Source: IGN

2 Responses to “Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Update Detailed”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Is the feature being disabled entirely, or is it just anything prior to the update being wiped? That sucks either way for people really into that =/

    • 1594 points
      penduin says...

      The replay feature will still work, but older recordings won’t play back correctly after the update since the damage/timing/etc for certain moves/characters are being tweaked. Newly-made recordings will still work fine.

      I only have a handful of recordings (close online victories mainly) and won’t be too crushed when they don’t work anymore, but it’s too bad we can’t export to .avi first or something.

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