In its latest financial report, Sega has confirmed that Sonic Boom has sold a combined total of 490,000 copies on Wii U and 3DS. The report doesn’t actually clarify whether this figure is the number of units shipped or actually sold to consumers, but it is a relatively low figure in any event.
While it might not sound that bad, this makes the game the worst-performing entry in the Sonic series to date.
To put this into perspective, Sonic Lost World has sold over 710,000 copies on both Wii U and 3DS, while Sonic Colors went on to sell more than 1.85 million copies on both Wii and DS.
This is a disappointing end, then, to the recent string of Sonic games on Nintendo platforms. As Sonic Boom is the last of the three games that were agreed to be exclusive to Nintendo, and in light of its poor sales performance, it will be interesting to see which platforms the next entry in the Sonic series appears on.
Source: Nintendo Everything
I wouldn’t call it a silent hit. Sonic Boom got a solid 4 out of 10 in most reviews. Sega can’t blame this one on Nintendo.