Vote for Xenoblade’s Reversible Box Cover
Fans who have been patiently awaiting the release of Xenoblade Chronicles (which is due to hit North American shores on April 6) have a chance to help determine its final packaging. Earlier today, Nintendo of America released a series of alternate box arts for the game on its official Facebook page, asking fans to vote for which one they’d like to see included on the reverse side of the original cover. To cast a vote, simply log into the website and “Like” the artwork of your choice; the winner will be determined by the amount of Likes it receives.
All four pieces can be seen below. I encourage everyone to click on the link that follows and cast a vote for the fourth one while they are still being tallied!
Source: Facebook
Resident Evil: Revelations to Include Club Nintendo PIN
It seems Capcom’s upcoming 3DS effort, Resident Evil: Revelations, will be one of the select few third-party releases to include a Club Nintendo PIN number in its packaging. Typically, these codes are reserved for first-party and downloadable titles, so its inclusion is a nice little incentive to purchase the game and a smart move to help encourage sales. Fans can redeem the code on Club Nintendo’s official website to receive coins, which can then be used toward a number of different rewards, including memorabilia and certain games, the latter of which are rotated out on a monthly basis.
In a bit of related news, Capcom has also announced that it will be offering a free replacement cover for fans who purchase one of the initial copies of Resident Evil: Revelations, following its well-known spelling gaffe on the original box art. Fans can either call the company’s customer service number or contact a representative by email to request a replacement.
Capcom has reassured that all subsequent printings of the game will feature the correct spelling on the cover.
Source: GoNintendo, IGN
Man, those Xenoblade covers are about 100% more awesome than the ones we got to choose from…
Which ones did you guys get to pick from?
We only got the first one out of those four, and our choices weren’t wrap-around either – they were only vertical artwork. The winner was only available on the special edition too :(
WHAAAT?! Replace the misspelled RE Box? Aren’t spelling gaffes like super collectable? I keep that!
Well, you could always request a replacement and then keep both covers. :P
capcom needs to fire their box art guys. they screwed up okami’s art a few years ago too….
The club nintendo points for revelationas are thebest news this week, now that hanafuda mario cards and zelda posters will be mine! Oh, and the best image of xenoblades is the second one, with that giant in thw horizon!