Nintendo Heartcast 006: Quarterly Analysis Probable

In this podcast, Evan and Noah tackle Nintendo Network, near field tech, guessing the next Mario’s design and whether Wii U should be renamed.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 02/08/2012 09:00 15 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast

Nintendo Heartcast 005: Fully Skyward

Evan and Noah dissect Nintendo’s quarterly report, from Nintendo Network to Near Field tech, the next Mario game and a debate on Wii U’s name.

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Recording Date
February 6, 2012

Evan and Noah

00:00:00 Introduction
00:06:40 Player Input: Mercenaries 3D, Pushmo, Mutant Mudds and More
00:34:15 Master Key Discussion: Nintendo Quarterly Report, Wii U Details and More
01:47:48 Conclusion & Mario Kart Community Code
01:52:28 Credits
01:54:20 Total Length

Mario Kart 7 Heartcast Code


15 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast 006: Quarterly Analysis Probable”

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    Another heartcast!

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    Building your Gaming Repertoire

    Now that you have an Android device, I recommend getting an OnLive account. The service itself is free, and you can play demos and watch other people play. You only need to pay when you actually want to purchase a game. You can use the OnLive app from your phone and from your Computer.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    Wii U’s Name Really Works

    I just recently met up with a cousin that I don’t get to see very often. His youngest kid has a DS Lite, middle child a DSi, and oldest has a 3DS. While we were adding each other to our Friends Lists, without having to type in the codes, we talked about the Wii U.

    He was considering getting a 360 for the Kennect, but he had no idea that the Wii U was coming out at all, let alone this year! He noticeably preferred to get the Nintendo system instead, but then he started wondering if he should still get the 360 because he wanted to play games for himself too, not just for his kids.

    This is where the Wii U’s name really came in handy in explaining to him why it would be fine to purchase the Wii U instead of the 360. I let him know that the Wii was named to show that its games were for everyone, but the Wii U’s name shows that it is also intended for you. He immediately understood as I spoke these words, his eyes kindof lit up. Now, we are both looking forward to playing our new systems online together. We just need the third parties to deliver on this and bring their multiplatform games to the Wii U.

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    They could always call it the Wii Forward or -to emphasize the singular experience- the Wii One. As in, it’s not just for everybody, it’s also for one player as well. ;-)

  • 138 points
    MaStEr Of SaNdZ says...

    I sorta like the idea of the card, but if you lose your card what do you do? all of your information could be scanned and seen on a computer made to steal data

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    Great podcast, 2 hours of nintendo goodness, this is by far the best nintendo podcast outthere! Kepp em coming!

    Im on the fence on the dlc content for wiiU, i know its inevitable, but i dont want my Nintendo games to be sold in parts, like iwata say, i want the whole thing when i buy a game, i think that selling a game in parts or adding extensions ruin the overal feeling of a grand masterpiece. It would be a terrible thing if someday you have to buy new dungeons in a zelda game, even if i dont have to buy them in order to complete the game i will somehow feel that i HAVE to buy them, otherwise another people are gonna be enjoying content that i don’t have.

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    I gotta get in on some of this Mario Kart action.

    DLC is fine. Honestly I would love Super Mario 3Dland DLC levels.

    Plus I want Dry Bones bakc in MarioKart 7. i would pay a couple bucks for him.

  • 360 points
    M. Noah Ward says...

    Mario Kart 7 Heartcast Code!


    Sorry, I meant to put that in the show notes. In fact I’ll do that right now.

  • 360 points
    M. Noah Ward says...

    Mario Kart 7 Game Time Set! 2/20 (next Monday) from 9 – 9:30 PM eastern time. Evan and I will have to skedaddle at 9:30 to record the next Heartcast, but we will be on for that first half hour of glory. Smite us on the tracks! Then smite each other, if the bloodlust of the race track consumes you.

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    whoooo mario kart 7 tournament…. hopefully theres no maka wahu… that course is cheap!

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