Nightly News Roundup: 01.26.2012

The Wii U may or may not be losing its name and the rest of today’s news.

By Dustin Grissom. Posted 01/26/2012 17:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Nintendo considering changing the name of the Wii U?

Rumor has it that Nintendo is considering a name change for their next home console, the Wii U (as the name currently stands).  There are many different factors hinting at why Nintendo may be making this decision, a few being confusion to the customer about whether or not it really is a new system (rather than a simple Wii upgrade), the fact that Wii is synonymous with kids (to the lesser informed), and that it just sounds kind of stupid…

Source: CVG

Tomb Raider is not coming to Wii U, developer explains why

With the Wii U supposedly getting a plethora of titles previously deemed only for its HD counterparts, it was just a matter of time until Nintendo fans got the news that the hotly anticipated return of Lara Croft gets announced for the Wii U.  Sadly, this is not the case, yet only for what seems to be a good reason (or a well-worded excuse).  Here is what the developers had to say:

“If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality. When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform. Given that we’ve been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across.” – Crystal Dynamics community manager Meagan Marie

Source: CVG

Resident Evil: …Revelaitions?

Here’s a rather large revelation that’s about to hit Capcom:

Yeah… That’s definitely not spelled right.  It’s kind of amazing how someone could miss that, am I right?

Source: GoNintendo

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