Sequel to Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure coming this year
The newly announced Skylanders Giants will hit home consoles later this year. Owners of the original Spyro’s Adventure will be pleased to know all of their stats can be ported over, as the new game will support the full roster from the original. Besides this,Skylanders Giants will feature twenty new figures, and will be one to look out for if you enjoyed the original (which judging by sales quite a few of you did)
It will be interesting to see if Nintendo’s Wii U will get in on the action, what with the inclusion of NFC in Wii U’s tablet controller.
Source: MyNintendoNews
Japanese Top 10, turns into Nintendo Top 10 (almost)
Things are certainly back to the way Nintendo like them in the land of the rising sun. The software sales charts for the past month were released this week, and it makes good reading if you’re a Nintendo 3DS owner. Four of the top Five are 3DS titles, and is a sign of the times in terms of the big N’s resurgence of late. Take a look for yourself.
1.[3DS] Mario Kart 7
2.[3DS] Monster Hunter 3G
3.[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
4.[PS3] Amored Core V
5.[3DS] Resident Evil Revelations
6.[PS3] Musou Orochi 2
7.[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go
8.[WII] Just Dance
9.[PS3] Final Fantasy XIII-2
10.[PSP] Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Masou Kishin II
Source: Andriasang
The Last Story director sounds off on HD
With the advent of HD gaming now long established, we are used to hearing (and seeing) the benefits it can bring to the games we play. However not all of us feel the same way.The Last Story director, Hironobu Sakaguchi, thinks it can take emphasis away from the game itself, with far too much attention being laden on graphical detail, rather than the more intricate and fundamental aspects of game design. He say’s
“Now that high-quality graphics rule supreme, you can reproduce what you want to communicate visually, but at the same time, I don’t know how to put this, but there’s an element that’s slightly excessive about it all…You end up communicating too much to the player.”
“This is why I now feel that we’re at a turning point. With this title, I pressed reset and returned to the basics of what a game is. I started by spending a lot of time considering just what it means to tell a story in a game. But it went beyond simply considering the story side of things – I looked again at the fundamentals on the system side too.”
“To be honest, I think that the HD images which have become mainstream in the TV industry are, for me personally, still rather over the top for the world of video games. There’s a tendency for developers to allow all their energy to be diverted into maintaining the high quality of the graphics.”
Source: BeefJack
Do you agree with his thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.
Maybe sakaguchi is adopting the nintendo phyloshopy?