With the impending release of Pokémon X and Y, the sixth generation installments of Nintendo’s monster catching series, the Big N has announced that it will be discontinuing certain features from Pokémon Black and White, most notably the Pokémon Global Link.
For those who may not be familiar with the service, the Pokémon Global Link is an online hub for the fifth generation Pokémon games. Pokémon fans could synch their copies of Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 to the site and take part in special tournaments and download unique skins for their C-Gear. The Global Link is also the only means to visit the Dream World, a virtual world where players could “befriend” rare Pokémon (often with unique abilities not normally found within the games) and transfer them back to their files.
According to the announcement, the Global Link will be phased out beginning in October, when the service will be replaced with a new Global Link for Pokémon X and Y. Connectivity with all fifth generation Pokémon games will cease completely on January 14, 2014.
Source: Pokémon Global Link (via Bulbapedia)
Sad, but predictable; Nintendo wants the focus to shift to X and Y. At least there’s still the option for direct system connections…