Looking for someone to play Animal Crossing with? This Monday, July 1, a few Nintendojo staffers will be opening their gates in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and we’d like you to stop by!
Monday, July 1 at 8:30 PM Eastern
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- Evan: 3179 6086 8066
- Kevin: 4210 3992 7013
- Mel: 1848 1667 5423
- Hilge3: 2423 2671 0612
- delebreaub: 1032 1242 5594
If you’d like to join us and are not yet part of our friends lists, then just leave your Friend Code below and we’ll add you as soon as we can. Then, come Monday night, hop aboard your train and visit whichever one of our towns is open! And if you’d like to host a gathering at your own town, feel free to say so in the comments and we’ll add your information above!
My town isn’t very interesting yet, but feel free to stop by for an orange, pear, or something. I’ll try to have my gate open from about 8:10-8:30 pm eastern.
Running is allowed.
I added your Friend Code to the list. :)
Hey might be around tomorrow. Definitely would love to play with some more people.
FC: 4828-4549-5543
I will try to visit! 0130-3166-9342
My town is a bit of a mess, but is growing – Super T&T opens tomorrow! I will open my gate sometime from 9:00-10:00 Eastern. I’ve got quite a variety of fruit. Running is semi-allowed (some dirt paths and other paths in my town).
Can’t wait!
I just got the game so I don’t really have a town to look at yet. 4339-2617-3983
Name on the 3DS is Nerf, in case I added you and you don’t recognize the name. :)
I’ll be opening my gates in by 8:45ish give or take. Eating dinner now.
Okay ready to go!
My gate is open. Sorry if I’m not responding to you in game, I’m working on something else right now. Help yourself to anything you would like.
Mine is now open as well!
Thanks to everyone who joined us tonight! We’ll do this again sometime soon. :)