Nintendo and Jakks Pacific Partner to Create Real Mario Karts

Now if only they made one adult size…

By Sam Stewart. Posted 02/25/2014 16:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

As a kid, every time I would see one of those motorized kiddie Jeeps I imagined myself getting behind the wheel and speeding through the streets just like I could in one of my favorite Super Nintendo games, Super Mario Kart. As it turns out, those motorized Jeeps never went that fast, so I’ve spent most of my life wishing for real life Mario Karts. It may have taken 22 years, but that wish is finally being granted thanks to Jakks Pacific and Nintendo, who are teaming up to create an awesome official Mario Kart ride-on.

For $200 USD, one of these beautiful machines can be yours when they release on March 7. It is powered by a 6Volt battery and has a weight capacity of about 70 pounds, perfect for children, but not so much for me. At the moment it appears the Kart will only come in one color (Mario’s signature red, emblazoned with an M on the hood), but hopefully Jakks will expand the line to include more colors in the future.

While I’m happy to see my dreams finally become a reality, it looks like I’ll have to wait a little longer before Jakks makes an XL version for adults. Until then, I guess I’ll just have to make due with a real car.

Would you ever consider buying one of these carts for your children, or maybe a lucky niece or nephew? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: IGN

2 Responses to “Nintendo and Jakks Pacific Partner to Create Real Mario Karts”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    THIS BROKE MY HEART. Get me one that can handle the weight of a 300 pound adult male and we’re in business!

  • 96 points
    ElectricOutcast says...

    I think I could probably do better with a Mario Kart Motorbike because I’ve dealt with bikes before. BTW: a real kart not being as fast as Mario Kart, dude I’ve actually rode one and let me tell you I’ve actually felt that Mario Kart rush and still do everytime I drive one

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