Terry Cavanagh made his name as a game developer with VVVVVV, a 2D platformer that mixed Metroid-style level design with gravity flipping gameplay and a totally retro art direction. The game was an indie darling on PC and eventually found its way to 3DS eShop where it is equally as awesome.
Cavanagh’s latest is Super Hexagon, an iOS release with more retro appeal, including the visuals, an awesome soundtrack, and simple yet challenging gameplay that effectively boils down to rotating a triangle around a hexagon in order to avoid incoming barriers. Recently, speculation has arisen about whether or not Super Hexagon will follow in the tracks of VVVVVV and get released on 3DS.
Hopes were raised when an article on Nintendo Enthusiast said this: “I offered to help him with some of the programming in order to bring over Super Hexagon to the 3DS… He thanked me, said he doesn’t need any extra help, and added that he’d ‘love to bring Super Hexagon to more platforms’ (i.e. 3DS) and he’s ‘definitely thinking about it.’”
Hopes were then kept in check following a Twitter post from Cavanagh that said, “Ah. Well, honestly, it’s unlikely– couldn’t do it without a publisher, and Super Hex is too small a game for a publisher to want it.”
So, in other words, Cavanagh would like to bring the game to 3DS, but there currently isn’t any interest on the part of publishers to put forth the money needed to release it.
Source: NintendoLife
I think a flood of iOS games will be coming to Wii-U and 3DS.