With the release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire looming on the horizon, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have begun setting the hype train in motion by releasing a steady stream of information on the upcoming remakes. In addition to a plethora of new features for the games, including revamped Secret Bases and Pokémon contests, fans have been treated to an assortment of brand new Mega Evolutions, including ones for Metagross, Salamence, and Altaria. That trend continued earlier this week when the companies announced yet another Mega Evolution for the upcoming games: Mega Audino!
Unlike its standard form, Mega Audino gains a secondary Fairy-type upon Mega Evolving, along with improved Defense and Special Defense stats. It also gains the ability Healer, which gives it a 30 percent chance of curing an ally’s status ailment during Double and Triple battles. You can see footage of the newly Mega Evolved Pokémon in action below.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will be launching in North America on November 21. Players who own a copy of Pokémon X or Y can also receive a level 50 Heracross or Pinsir for a limited time.
Will you be picking up either title when they launch later this year? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Pokémon.com