Robin Williams Dead at 63 Years Old

Nintendojo says goodbye to one of the biggest Zelda fans in the world.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 08/11/2014 18:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendojo is sad to report the passing of actor and comedian Robin Williams. While Williams will always be known for his roles in films such as Dead Poets Society, Aladdin, and Good Will Hunting, his role as a spokesperson for the Zelda franchise endeared him to a number of Nintendo fans. Williams was such a big fan of the franchise that he named his daughter after the game’s titular princess. Together, the father-daughter team has appeared in a number of advertisements and promotions related to the franchise.

Details of Williams’ death remain sparse at the time, but rumors suggest that the cause of death may have been suicide. We at Nintendojo do not wish to speculate on the matter, but it certainly adds another degree of tragedy to the story. As fans and family mourn the passing of such an iconic and well-regarded actor, I’m reminded of a recent blog-post from comic writer Matt Fraction. A fan considering suicide approached Fraction, and the writer opened up about an incident where he also considered taking that route:

“I wondered, then — well, is there anything you’re curious about. Anything you want to see play out. And i thought of a comic i was reading and i’d not figured out the end of the current storyline. And i realized I had curiosity. And that was the hook i’d hang my hat on. that by wanting to see how something played out I wasn’t really ready. That little sprout of a thing poking up through all that black earth kept me around a little longer.”

Fraction goes on to detail how that one, seemingly minor comic book was enough for him to reconsider his actions. At a time like this, it feels wrong to think about video games. However, as a Zelda fan myself, I can’t express enough how excited I am about Hyrule Warriors or about the next Zelda title on Wii U. Knowing the fondness Williams had for the franchise, and the way he was able to share that experience with his daughter, I can’t help but wish that he’d managed to “hang his hat” on those games. The lesson in Fraction’s post is that, as long as there’s something that we want to see before we leave this place, isn’t that a good enough reason to stay?

Depression is a terrible thing to deal with, and it’s something that affects each and every one of us at some time or another. If you’re considering suicide or battling depression, find something to cling to. Whether it’s family, or a loved one, or a video game, or a comic book. Use that as a focal point, and then go get help.

If you’d like to read more of Matt Fraction’s wonderful post on suicide, you can find it here. If you’re dealing with depression or considering suicide, call 1-800-273-8255. Don’t hesitate to do so.

Nintendojo would like to offer Zelda and the rest of the Williams family our deepest condolences.

3 Responses to “Robin Williams Dead at 63 Years Old”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    Not much I can say on this other than it’s a terrible situation. I think Robin Williams was an actor that many of us connected with in one way or another, and it’s a shame to see him go like this. This is the first actor’s death that I personally have felt a real sense of loss with.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Great writing on this, Marc. I couldn’t help but think of Williams as a Zelda fan and his ties to Nintendo when this story broke. The points of light that we all find solace in, from games to other people, are so important and sustaining. It’s a shame that Williams lost his own light, because now without him some people are missing theirs.

  • 42 points
    Gaviin says...

    Lovely article. Very sad news.

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