During E3 there was a lot of hubbub around the rumor that Link may be a woman in the next Legend of Zelda game for Wii U. While it was quickly confirmed that Link would not be a woman, it did spark a lot of discussion among fans, and showed that many were actually open to the idea. Now Nintendo and Koei Tecmo seem to be opening up the discussion again by including a page of concept art for a female Link in the Hyrule Warriors art book. The page in question shows a female Link wielding a crossbow alongside some smaller sketches with different outfit and color variations. Could this mean that there will be an unlockable female Link somewhere in the game? Who knows, but it does show that somebody was thinking about it.
I really like the idea of Nintendo giving players the option to play as a female Link in future Zelda games, and I think that the concept art of what she might look like is awesome. Fingers crossed that there is a female Link costume option in Hyrule Warriors! What do you think of the art? Would you play as a female Link if given the option? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Nintendo Life