HAL Confirms Americans Like Their Kirby a Little Angry

Because a pink puffball becomes much more masculine when he’s pouting.

By Sam Stewart. Posted 04/29/2014 16:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Angry Kirby Masthead

If you are a fan of Kirby, you have likely seen the many comparison photos between the series’ Japanese and American box art. Most times the box art for the same game is similar across regions, except that in many of the American box arts, Kirby looks a little angrier than on the Japanese counterpart. Take Kirby Air Ride for example. Virtually the same picture, except for the American Kirby’s pouty expression. It has long been rumored that Nintendo believes Americans prefer the angry Kirby, a fact that was recently confirmed by Kirby developer HAL Laboratories. Speaking to GameSpot, the developers at HAL explained that Americans seem to like the serious Kirby, as opposed to the cute one that is popular in the East.

I have long wondered why the American box arts for Kirby games were altered, and it turns out that the solution is as simple as it appeared to be. I don’t know that I prefer the angry Kirby personally; in fact Kirby’s Epic Yarn is probably my favorite Kirby game, and one of the few where Kirby is happy on the box art. Are these things related? Probably not. What do you think about the angry versus cute Kirby debate? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

One Response to “HAL Confirms Americans Like Their Kirby a Little Angry”

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Lol, I would counter with the question, “who did you poll to determine we like an angry Kirby?!” He’s pink, round, and likes to dance; it’s not that Kirby isn’t cool, but he’s no Arnold, you know? I’m happy with either approach, though.

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