Week: End Game: On 05.03.2014

The staff go golfing this weekend.

By Nintendojo Staff. Posted 05/03/2014 12:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Welcome back to another edition of Week: End Game: On! What games are the Dojo staffers playing this weekend? Read on to find out!

Anthony Vigna

There are a lot of major game releases this week! While Mario Golf and Kirby: Triple Deluxe are the heavy-hitting first party titles coming out, I’m finding myself more excited for Child of Light and Stick it to the Man. Why? Well, my Wii U is just begging for games! I love my 3DS, but I really want to get more use out of my Wii U, and these two games will breathe new life into my dusty system. Plus, with the multitude of delays for indie games like Pier Solar HD, I’m going to have to fill some voids to get my fix!

Other than that, I’ve finished Super Mario World after getting it for free at Club Nintendo. As someone who prefers Super Mario Bros. 3, I don’t play Super Mario World too often and have forgotten a lot about the game. So, it felt great to re-learn the layouts of each level when playing it once more. Hopefully, they’ll be another game that interests me on Club Nintendo when they update it this month!

Jon Stevens

With plenty of work to do at the moment, the only new game I’m going to be getting any time soon is Mario Kart 8 at the end of the month. The recent UK Nintendo Direct for it even had a rather good British voice over which greatly surprised me!

Before that though, I’m going to keep playing some of the older games I’ve got lying around. I’ve recently started playing Metroid Fusion on the Wii U VC again and have become a little obsessed with Mario & Yoshi as well. It may not be the best puzzle came out there, but it’s still pretty addictive.

Metroid Fusion screen

I’ve also got my eye on Child of Light after seeing some gameplay footage of it, but I’m holding off on purchasing that for a while at least. (I’ll have to ask Anthony what he thinks if he decides to get it!)

Nicolas Vestre

After having a whole lot of fun, I’ve reached the end of Super Mario 3D World. I’ve unlocked the final world, and all that’s left is to clear those challenges the last world brings and beat every level with every character. Thankfully, that task can be made easier by having a few Wii Remotes to summon characters to touch the flagpole at the end of the level; that way, I can get this arduous task done much faster. After I 100 percent complete everything in the game, I’ll move on to NES Remix 2, which looks like it will evoke a lot of nostalgia. We’ll see what happens from there.

Earlier this morning, I got up and went to Walmart to purchase Mario Golf: World Tour, which I’m sampling right now, and Kirby: Triple Deluxe, which I’ll play later (my backlog is killer!). I’m sure they’ll both be great games. Maybe some time in the future Nintendojo will have a Mario Golf Game Night!

And then there’s Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, which I’ve been meaning to play since the day it was released! It keeps getting pushed further into my backlog, which is just sad… Do I play World Tour before Tropical Freeze? It’s too difficult to decide!

Robert Marrujo

It’s a given that Mario Golf and Kirby: Triple Deluxe will be getting playtime on my 3DS, this weekend. Both games are really impressing me, so far. I get that Sony’s Vita is the technologically superior system, but darn it all if 3DS doesn’t produce some real visual spectacle on a regular basis. Kirby looks great, but Mario Golf is shocking me with the quality of its graphics– just so bright and colorful!

Beyond those two games, I’ve been in a classic Resident Evil mood, as of late. The tank controls always feel jarring when I return to them, initially, but after just a bit of practice, I get back into that old rhythm. That old inventory system, though! Let’s also not mention the frustrations of limited ammo! But you know what, this is the stuff that made these classics as gripping and scary as they were. I was going to end by saying I’ll be playing 1-3 on my PS3, but my GameCube is still hooked up… so I just might do the Resident Evil remake, instead! No matter what, though, it’s going to be a great weekend for gaming!

Kevin Knezevic

I had planned to spend the weekend putting some quality time into Mario Golf: World Tour, but as fate would have it, I couldn’t find it in stores. I paid a visit to two of my local GameStops, and both seemed to have sold the last copy minutes before I walked in. Alas. I’ll check one final GameStop later today during my break at work before I give in and just order it online.

If I still can’t find Mario Golf, then I’ll likely spend the weekend finishing up the few games I’ve been slowly making my way through. I finally arrived at the very end of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, before the battle with the Emperor Ing (and Dark Samus). Once I topple those two, I’ll be free to start my digital copy of Golden Sun. I’m also partway through world five in Yoshi’s New Island, which has been enjoyable, if not particularly challenging. I’m hoping to clear the few remaining levels in that game before I permit myself to start another 3DS title, but we’ll see how that goes!

What will you be playing this weekend? Have you picked up a copy of Mario Golf: World Tour or Kirby: Triple Deluxe? Or are you more interested in Ubisoft’s Child of Light? Let us know in the comments!

2 Responses to “Week: End Game: On 05.03.2014”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    Yeah, I’m not a golfer. I’ve been downloading like crazy (and I’m getting kind of backlogged). Child of Light is really interesting; reminds me of Lost Winds, only with RPG gameplay. As for Stick It To The Man, I cannot put it down. Freaky. I’m buying the retail version of MK8 when it comes out to save space on the harddrive, and my shelves are feeling a little hungry. But for now, it’s amazing how far a $35 eShop cash card will go.

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    I’ve just come from beating the Advance Wars campaign to post here. It was definitely worth the 8 bucks, and it’s got me wanting the DS sequels on Wii U eShop pronto!

    Tonight I’ll probably return to 3D World with my brother to start World 7.

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