Special: Flower Power

Revisit some of Nintendojo’s best Pikmin articles this week in anticipation for the release of Pikmin 3!

By Nintendojo Staff. Posted 07/23/2013 10:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

After an excruciating delay, Pikmin 3 will finally be launching in less than two weeks, and what better way to celebrate the game’s release than by taking a look back at some of Nintendojo’s best Pikmin-themed articles? For the rest of the week, we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite Pikmin pieces as we get ready for the long-awaited third installment of the series, which goes on sale in North America on August 4. We hope you enjoy!

Looking Back: Pikmin

Pikmin soon became synonymous with much of what Nintendo stood for in my eyes: wholesome fun that never felt like a waste of time– quite the opposite, it often felt enriching. Getting back home that fall, I got myself a GameCube, and Pikmin was up there with what I played most.”

Read the full article here!

Olimartyrs: Pikmin’s Heart of Darkness

“On the surface, it’s a simple story about a tiny man named Olimar, the captain of the spaceship Dolphin who employs the aid of a friendly, sentient plant race in order to return home after being stranded on an alien, but strangely familiar, planet. Scratch beneath that surface, however, and you soon discover the dark heart of Pikmin and the sociological themes that upon analysis quite deeply run through it.”

Read the full article here!

Pikmin: A Biology Lesson

“Thanks to the somewhat dizzying delay in my playing of the game, I had began to study cellular biology by the time I got round to visiting The Distant Planet. As I saw Captain Olimar speed away from that definitively alien world, the only question that struck me was, ‘Could Pikmin be possible?'”

Read the full article here!

Preview: Pikmin 3

“Yet for all their new-fangled effects and textures, they’re still the Pikmin we know and love underneath, and their large, flat, dotty eyes really remind us why they’re still so utterly charming after so many years of silence.”

Read the full article here!

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