360 points

M. Noah Ward's Profile (subscriber)

(Member since 05/20/2010)

I've been involved with Nintendojo since 2000, one way or another. I've been a fan of Nintendo games since 1985. Whooooaaa... OLLLLD!

I actually love video games on all systems... I got started on Atari. I remember how alien NES's "control pad" initially seemed compared to a joystick... "Left hand for character movement instead of right? Right hand for button pressing instead of left? Zuh-wah?"

I graduated to NES thanks to one of the coolest gifts a grandparent could get you, and my undying love for Mario started there (yes, he's way cooler than Link). I also got into PC adventure games as a kid (King's Quest, Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Loom, etc.). My fervent devotion to Castlevania and Final Fantasy is what made me break my fanboy exclusivity agreement with Nintendo post-SNES, so I got a PlayStation, and since then I've owned every Nintendo system (except B/W GB, VB and DSi), as well as PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox 360. I also now like PVP, RTS and MMO PC games. Yep... I'm as much of a gaming geek you may find round here, though some of my Nintendojo compatriots school me in other areas.

My favorite Nintendo console is probably the sixty-foooouuuurrr, and my favorite handheld is definitely the DS Lite (I have two-- hence my reticence to get a DSi when 3DS is oh-so-close). I also love my Death Star gaming PC and my 360. But Nintendo's my first love. Awww...

360 points
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Recent Posts by M. Noah Ward
360 points

M. Noah Ward's Profile (subscriber)

(Member since 05/20/2010)

I've been involved with Nintendojo since 2000, one way or another. I've been a fan of Nintendo games since 1985. Whooooaaa... OLLLLD!

I actually love video games on all systems... I got started on Atari. I remember how alien NES's "control pad" initially seemed compared to a joystick... "Left hand for character movement instead of right? Right hand for button pressing instead of left? Zuh-wah?"

I graduated to NES thanks to one of the coolest gifts a grandparent could get you, and my undying love for Mario started there (yes, he's way cooler than Link). I also got into PC adventure games as a kid (King's Quest, Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Loom, etc.). My fervent devotion to Castlevania and Final Fantasy is what made me break my fanboy exclusivity agreement with Nintendo post-SNES, so I got a PlayStation, and since then I've owned every Nintendo system (except B/W GB, VB and DSi), as well as PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox 360. I also now like PVP, RTS and MMO PC games. Yep... I'm as much of a gaming geek you may find round here, though some of my Nintendojo compatriots school me in other areas.

My favorite Nintendo console is probably the sixty-foooouuuurrr, and my favorite handheld is definitely the DS Lite (I have two-- hence my reticence to get a DSi when 3DS is oh-so-close). I also love my Death Star gaming PC and my 360. But Nintendo's my first love. Awww...

360 points
Recent Comments by M. Noah Ward
Recent Posts by M. Noah Ward
360 points

M. Noah Ward's Profile (subscriber)

(Member since 05/20/2010)

I've been involved with Nintendojo since 2000, one way or another. I've been a fan of Nintendo games since 1985. Whooooaaa... OLLLLD!

I actually love video games on all systems... I got started on Atari. I remember how alien NES's "control pad" initially seemed compared to a joystick... "Left hand for character movement instead of right? Right hand for button pressing instead of left? Zuh-wah?"

I graduated to NES thanks to one of the coolest gifts a grandparent could get you, and my undying love for Mario started there (yes, he's way cooler than Link). I also got into PC adventure games as a kid (King's Quest, Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Loom, etc.). My fervent devotion to Castlevania and Final Fantasy is what made me break my fanboy exclusivity agreement with Nintendo post-SNES, so I got a PlayStation, and since then I've owned every Nintendo system (except B/W GB, VB and DSi), as well as PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox 360. I also now like PVP, RTS and MMO PC games. Yep... I'm as much of a gaming geek you may find round here, though some of my Nintendojo compatriots school me in other areas.

My favorite Nintendo console is probably the sixty-foooouuuurrr, and my favorite handheld is definitely the DS Lite (I have two-- hence my reticence to get a DSi when 3DS is oh-so-close). I also love my Death Star gaming PC and my 360. But Nintendo's my first love. Awww...

360 points
Recent Comments by M. Noah Ward
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