Top Ten: Pokémon Town Tunes

From the haunting to the celebratory, here are the ten best Pokémon town tunes.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 07/22/2014 12:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

8) Azalea Town/Blackthorn City (Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

This sounds like the theme song for an ’80s sitcom whose focus is on friendship, love, and being good to one another. At first, the song sounds like it wouldn’t fit Azalea Town because of the sadness of the Slowpoke being kidnapped and having their tails get cut off. But once that threat is gone, the music is just pitch perfect. However, even though I love the music very much, I still can’t get behind its being used for Blackthorn City. It just didn’t seem to fit that much to me. And for the record, while I enjoy the original Gold/Silver version of the tune, I prefer the HeartGold/SoulSilver rendition, which is the one I linked to.

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