IHS, in partnership with Gamer Network (the parent company of GamesIndustry.biz), has commissioned a new survey that showed a big boost in the number of people who intend to buy a Wii U. Approximately one thousand core gamers participated in the survey, with 20 percent claiming that they plan to buy a Wii U after seeing Nintendo’s presentation. Overall, over the course of E3, hardware purchase intent for Nintendo’s latest console has grown by 50 percent.
The numbers are not all that surprising, considering how solid Nintendo’s E3 presentation was. Hopefully, Nintendo can continue winning more people over, because Wii U desperately needs them in its current state.
Source: GamesIndustry.biz
I bought one solely due to that E3 video and that look at Zelda. I’d already had an interest in Mario Kart 8, and that convinced me. I played it safe and bought the $200 refurbished model on Nintendo’s website.
The day after the Nintendo Direct I went on a 4 hour, 15 store journey to track down a Zelda Wii U and got it.
I am surprised that the PS4 intent went DOWN. Their presentation wasn’t THAT bad – I thought it was better than M$’, actually. Other than the part where Mr. Talkypants wouldn’t shut up.