Worst Moment No.2 — Retro No-Show

Reggie, you tease!
Perhaps the most disappointing thing about E3 this year was the muted silence on Retro Studio’s next project. With the rumour mill running at full capacity in the weeks leading up to E3, we had stories about a Zelda reboot and a Star Fox-Metroid mash-up coming out of our ears. We were all feverishly excited about what it might be, and many of us thought they’d save it right until the very end for maximum impact. But then Nintendo’s press conference came and went, and we realised it wasn’t coming at all (it wasn’t even hidden in the press materials either!). Not cool.
Still, it’s highly possible that Retro simply don’t actually have anything to show us yet, but that certainly didn’t ease the string of disappointment. Maybe next year, guys, maybe next year…
Hwy I liked that commercial. It was a hilarios parody of us hardcore gamers lighten up.
Worst moment #3 – glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a real waste of time. (It could’ve been neat if well done, but instead they doomed a good idea by putting in the least possible amount of effort.)