Worst Moment No.4 — Post-Conference Announcements

Where was this, Nintendo!?
Here’s a tip Nintendo– announce your games at your press conferences. Not before, not after. We’d all have been much happier people if we’d actually been told that games like Fire Emblem: Awakening and Project P-100 were coming to 3DS and Wii U respectively, but instead you leave us dazed and confused by leaving arguably two of your most exciting upcoming titles to fester in your press materials rather than announcing them in LA where the entire world was watching you.
You confound us, Nintendo, you really do.
Hwy I liked that commercial. It was a hilarios parody of us hardcore gamers lighten up.
Worst moment #3 – glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a real waste of time. (It could’ve been neat if well done, but instead they doomed a good idea by putting in the least possible amount of effort.)