Best Moment No.3 — Zombie Reggie

If this doesn’t get added to Reggie Fils-Aime’s ever-so-entertaining WikiQuote page, then there’s something seriously wrong with the world. If kickin’ ass and takin’ names wasn’t enough, Reggie has now shown us he can do all of those things as a zombie as well, ensuring he’ll remain the puppet-master of Nintendo of America long after he’s one foot in the grave. So don’t mess with the Regginator, because he will eat you.
Hwy I liked that commercial. It was a hilarios parody of us hardcore gamers lighten up.
Worst moment #3 – glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a real waste of time. (It could’ve been neat if well done, but instead they doomed a good idea by putting in the least possible amount of effort.)