Nintendo Heartcast 015: E3 Aftershocks

From achievements to new games, there’s still plenty of Wii U news and rumors to talk about after E3.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 06/13/2012 08:00 7 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast 015: E3 Aftershocks

Nintendo Heartcast 015: E3 Aftershocks

More details about Wii U and its games come into focus (and rumor) for Evan and Noah to debate.

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Recording Date
June 11, 2012

Evan and Noah

00:00:00 One Unstoppable Take: Wii U’s Off-TV Play, Achievements, Friend Codes, Data Storage, New Games and more
01:27:34 Total Length


7 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast 015: E3 Aftershocks”

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    About VC transfer, what if Nintendo is going to credit us the download for the games we have on Wii for a HD version? Not all Nintendo games look good in HD right away. Capcom needs to come through with RE 6. Its too bad that Wii U wasn’t around when Yugioh was huge. It can still be used for other TCGs. Because the NFC plus HD graphics could be good. The guitar Hero situation was the same for Pikmin 3 and P-100. I had wanted Red and Orange 3DS but it wasn’t there. Couldn’t they take the sure bet from what Nintendo is working behind closed doors to reveal to us? Some gamers think they recycle too many elements from older Mario games. Not enough of new enemies and/or concepts. Do you see nintendo offering DLC for customizable floors and others for the Miiverse/main menu? I guess Acclaim can make that claim to that wrestling game.

  • 177 points
    AceIcarus says...

    Irealy Wan’t you to invite your resedent Pokeprofeser back since alot is happening in the Pokemon Comunity. Not only is there Black and White 2 coming out Pokemon Conquest is comming out in three days (and you haven’t mentioned it once) wich i feel maybe the best pokemon spinoff. While your at it see if you can get him to post weekly indepth analys of pokemon and when i say indepth i mean INDEPTH starting from its Dex numbers to the diffrance between its genders and shiny pallet to its dex entries to its evelotion chain to stat line and move pool to its anime/manga apperinces (i don’t expect you to know this one off the top of your head but the internet will make this one a breaze) to the cards featuring the pokemon and its apearance in the spinoffs lastly its copmetitive teir and his opinion on the pokemon.

    • 198 points
      Evan Campbell says...

      We’ll do our best to get some good Pokemon conversations going in the future. We’ll definitely have to find a suitable guest, though, since Noah and I are pretty much franchise noobs.

  • 120 points
    NinSage says...

    I’m about half an hour in to this episode (loving it so far, of course!). I just wanted to check on this rumor of Iwata holding another conference at the end of June or July.

    Anyone got hard evidence for that??

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