Worst Moment No.5 — Miiverse Promo Video
The only bad thing about Miiverse, however, was this video. Man, this was all kinds of awkward. From Todd “the non-killing zombie killer”‘s bullet sandwich and ineffectual pushes to the ever so slightly contrived and over the top dialogue, this Miiverse trailer was quite possibly one of the most cringe-worthy moments of the entire Nintendo Direct broadcast.
That said, I’m sure many of us cracked a smile when Warren, Todd’s too-cool-for-school gamer buddy, got passed up for OctoG123, but for the most part it was a case of “Please make this stop!”
But hey, it wasn’t all bad, because it also introduced us to one very special person… (thing…figure… just click the next page!)
Hwy I liked that commercial. It was a hilarios parody of us hardcore gamers lighten up.
Worst moment #3 – glad I’m not the only one who thought this was a real waste of time. (It could’ve been neat if well done, but instead they doomed a good idea by putting in the least possible amount of effort.)