Well the party’s finally over. Gaming’s parents (Momma Television and Daddy Music, respectively) have come home from their week of visiting Great Aunt Literature across the country and have decidedly shut down E3 2012 and locked Gaming in its room for the summer as punishment. Sad times.
But what a party it was! ..erm, maybe. This year’s E3 split opinion across the gaming community; largely among long time Nintendo enthusiasts who tried to determine just how banal the show was. Video gamers from Sony and Microsoft camps shared similar concerns as the show proved to be one largely omitting shock and awe and instead replacing it with middling music personalities and gimmicky affairs. But what did you think of E3 2012? Did you love every second of it? Or were you left wanting more at the end of the day?
This week, we ask you your thoughts on E3 2012! Be sure to let us know whether you thought it was an expo to remember by voting in our poll and tell us why in the comment section below. I can hear the Nintendo Land-army approaching already.
[poll id=”117″]
Honestly, I thought Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference was in keeping with the entire vibe of this year’s E3. “Here’s more of the same stuff you already know about.” The only difference is, we know about Miiverse, we were treated to 3 press conferences, and we got to enjoy our favorite Nintendo executives for a bit. That, and Non-Specific Action Figure.
On reflection, Non-Specfic Action Figure was probably my favourite part of the whole expo :P
And welcome to the site!
Everything was just “eh” and “ugh”. There wasn’t any kick or surprises. Microsoft drowned people in hardcore games then spent a lot of unnecessary time on Nike+ and Smartglass. Sony spent a lot of time trying to introduce wonderbook (biggest waste of time), pretty much making all those new and surprising games the highlight for hardcore fans. AND Nintendo appealed to its casual, mario lovin gamers and that’s us! well at least one half!
Thank goodness for Rayman Legends, otherwise there wouldn’t have been anything that really excited me at this E3. Not that things were bad… just really really boring.
I was a little underwhelmed with Nintendo’s showing this year, but now that I’ve had enough time to reflect on everything I’ve seen last week, I think it was a pretty good E3. I’m really looking forward to Wii U now (mostly for Pikmin 3 and Scribblenauts).