This holiday season will certainly be a good one for Zelda fans; in less than two short weeks, Wii U owners will be able to purchase the retail version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, a high-definition remake of Link’s GameCube outing (those who prefer to buy their games digitally can already download it from the Wii U eShop), while 3DS owners will be able to experience The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, an all-new sequel to the SNES classic A Link to the Past, in November. But what if you could only choose one of them?
The Dojo staff will be tackling this very question in a special round table later this week (with a guest contribution from Zelda Informer’s Nathanial Rumphol-Janc), but we’d like to know what you think. Which upcoming Zelda game are you looking forward to more, and why? Cast your vote in our poll below, and be sure to have your say in the comments!
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A Link Between Worlds, easy. Would much rather have a brand new adventure to tackle.
Hard to say. LBW, I guess. But my 3DS library is already overflowing, while my Wii U is starving. A new game is almost always better, but I’m still not happy with the top-view.
Link Between Worlds for sure. I love The Wind Waker, but I’m ready to see Link’s next adventure. Plus, I’ve yet to play a handheld Zelda that wasn’t an enjoyable experience.
Link Between Worlds only because 1) I’ve already played Wind Waker and 2) A Link to the Past is my all time favorite game.
Wind Waker is much more exciting for me.
Although not a “new” game, it is new to me. I never owned a GameCube, as work and finishing school were priorities at that time. Later on I did buy the game and planned to play through, but recently sold my copy to help finance a Wii U purchase.