Nintendo continues to release information about new Pokémon for its upcoming launch of Pokémon X and Y on October 12, this time revealing the sword-like Honedge’s evolved form, Doublade. The Pokémon is a Ghost/Steel type, and is capable of “telepathically coordinating its two blades to deliver twice the slice in battle.” That’s a lot of slice!
Also worth noting is Doublade’s tantalizing No Guard ability, which sounds downright dastardly for such a lethal-looking Pokemon. Doublade appears to be a merger of two Honedges, similar to the clustering of Magnemites that form Magneton.
Pokémon X and Y are getting ever closer to their worldwide release; are you planning on picking up either game come October? Will you be playing the new titles on a 2DS? Let us know below!
Source: Nintendo