Last month, The Pokémon Company announced a new animated Pokémon feature titled Pokémon Origins. Unlike the typical animated series, which follows Ash Ketchum on his continuing quest to come a Pokémon Master, Origins will be a four-part special based on the very first titles in the series, Pokémon Red and Blue. Today, we have confirmation that the feature will be airing in North America this November!
Like the original games, Pokémon Origins is set in the region of Kanto and follows Red, a young boy from Pallet Town, as he receives his first Pokémon and sets out on a journey across the region, battling other trainers– including his childhood rival, Blue– and, ultimately, challenging the Pokémon League.
Along with the announcement, The Pokémon Company also released the first English trailer for Pokémon Origins, which can be seen below.
Pokémon Origins will air in North America on November 15. Fans will be able to watch the feature through the Pokémon TV page on the official Pokémon web site and the Pokémon TV app on iOS and Android devices.
Source: Poké