Seattle Mariners Honor Yamauchi

Team holds a moment of silence for their former owner.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 09/25/2013 15:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Since his passing last week, Hiroshi Yamauchi has been the topic of much discussion and long overdue praise for his role in video games history. While most will no doubt remember him for building Nintendo into one of the most successful and influential entertainment companies on the planet, it would be a disservice to forget his other pursuits.

The Seattle Mariners did their part in honoring this part of his legacy on Monday when they held a moment of silence for the team’s longtime owner. Yamauchi bought a majority stake in the struggling baseball team in 1992 and maintained that stake until 2004 when he transferred it to Nintendo of America and its one-time chairman, Howard Lincoln, who now runs the team.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t honor Yamauchi with a win as well as they would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals.

Source: Nintendo Life

One Response to “Seattle Mariners Honor Yamauchi”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    As a lifelong Oakland A’s fan, I remember being heartbroken when I read the Mariners were owned by Nintendo. Very nice to see the team honor Yamauchi like this. They had some VERY good years under his ownership.

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