So Tetris Axis, the Hudson Soft-developed Tetris game for 3DS, came out yesterday, and we’re betting that people are going to buy this game based on the name alone. After all, this is Tetris, and everybody loves Tetris, right? Right?
Well, not really. Everyone’s got a favorite puzzle game, and it may not necessarily be Tetris. Maybe people like Puyo Pop, or Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, or Kirby’s Avalanche, or whatever clone they’re talking about. On the other hand, perhaps those Bubble Dragons in Bust-a-Move are just too precious to pass up. Heck, maybe a rousing round of Bejeweled or Tetris Attack or even Meteos is just what you need. There are a whole lot of puzzle games out there, though, and we can’t possibly list them all– so if you’ve got a favorite, hey, list it in the comments. After all, Polarium just doesn’t get enough love.
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Does Professor Layton count? He’s a puzzle game; he’s just got a story to him. I know he’s technically not replayable, but there’s some in Curious Village I’m still trying to figure out!
I guess, in a sense, although the difference might be that Layton is a game featuring puzzles to solve, whereas these “puzzle games” feature gameplay which is in itself a puzzle.
Trying to define that is in itself a puzzle!
Tetris Attack is definitely my thing. I love Meteos and Tetris too, though!
OH, and Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo HD Remix. MY GOD THAT GAME IS GREAT.
i agree puzzle fighter 2 all the way. That thing still gets plenty of play on my gameboy advance.
Once you’ve played one Tetris game, you’ve played them all. (Except Tetrisphere.)
The SNES version of Clue was awesome. But Yoshi’s Cookie never gets old. (And am I the only person in the world that actually likes Yoshi? I totally have the NES cart of that game…)
In terms of competitive multiplayer, Tetris Attack/Pokémon Puzzle League is fantastic too.
That depends: Yoshi’s Cookie on the NES or SNES? Cause I definitely like the SNES better, with the actual puzzle mode. I like figuring out the puzzle better than trying to keep up with the blocks.
Which reminds me of another SNES puzzle game I liked a lot better than it’s NES counterpart: Wario’s Woods!
Either or. I have both. :x
… why is : x an angry face?
Man. If I don’t get a new Tetrisphere game soon (or even a re-release of the N64 one)… there will be violence.
Because his mouth is sewn shut.
The only reason I know that game exists is because I was tricked into buying it because of the name. ugh.
Mode A = snoozefest.
Yeah, by level 7 I normally reach a point where I just give up on any semblance of technique. Its just like when your playing Tetris and the blocks are falling like you quick dropped them.
Wha Choo Talkin ‘Bout, Willis? Ugh? Dis game is off da CHAIN! I actually started playing it when we got it for free on the 3DS ambassador program.
pokemon puzzle league!hours of fun!You have to be fast and think to win the pokemon puzzle league :D currently i returned to this game on wii and i am in very hard mode!!!
Where’s my Puzzle Quest at?
HEH Go download it on DSiWare now, I’m having a blast with it!