Week: End Game: On 10.08.11

Pokémon go, Xenoblade-ho, Kirby woes and much, much mo’. (It’s WEGO.)

By Adam Sorice. Posted 10/08/2011 12:30 1 Comment     ShareThis

It’s been another great week of content at Nintendojo. Not only have we explored the argument for narrative and morality in Epic Mickey, performed a few citizen’s arrests while Mario was on holiday and delved into the Nintendo archives to discuss some forgotten franchises but we’ve charged into the dull domain of your Saturday afternoon to save you from banality and boredom of the weekend. Here is this week’s Week: End Game: On, our weekly opportunity to discuss who’s still playing Xenoblade Chronicles (hint: Josh) and who has given up because they’re just not hardcore enough (hint: everyone else.)

Mel Turnquist

Gaming-wise I’m hoping to hell I’ll be able to get a few good hours of Kirby Mass Attack or Four Swords, but that may be a little tough for me to do. My parents have gone away with their friends to Aruba and I’m stuck at home dog sitting my two dogs and their friend’s dog. Plus I got work and school in the midst of all of this too. So yeah it’s gonna be tough but I’m hoping to get at least some gaming time in between.

I’m thinking about possibly buying the newest Harvest Moon but I haven’t decided yet if I do or not. I’ve played the Grand Bazaar one which is fine but I think I wanna try the newer one out. Not sure yet though…we’ll hafta see. I’m just happy I have Monday off of work and school (Columbus Day…it’s a US holiday and RI uses it as an excuse for an off day…though it’s Thanksgiving in Canada FWIW). So yeah that’s all I got right now.

Matthew Tidman

My gaming slump continues! Once again I have resolved to play more video games, but I’m not going to do so. I mean, I was really planning on picking up Epic Mickey this weekend and playing some more of it. I was so excited to play the game and by now I should be done with it. Sadly, I don’t think I’m even 20% of the way through my first playthrough. One of these days maybe I’ll find the time to finish it.

So what am I up to since I’m obviously not gaming? Well, I’m planning on playing in a Pokémon TCG tournament this weekend. I’m running either TyRam or ZPTS, but I haven’t completely decided which yet. Either way there will be some stiff competition, so I’m really looking forward to it. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up with some time for gaming after all. (Dear reader are you into the Pokémon Trading Card Game? If you can decode our Tidman, please enlighten us in the comments! -Ed.)

Kevin Knezevic

My dilemma from last week has partially been resolved: I decided to clear Kirby Mass Attack before jumping into either of my eShop games, so the majority of my free time has been devoted to that. I’m having a lot of fun with the title, but attempting to earn all of the game’s gold medals (which are awarded for clearing a stage without taking damage) is testing the limits of my patience. At the moment I’m a little more than halfway through the adventure, so I’m hoping to finish it up by the beginning of next week.

Kevin’s learning the hard way that Kirby is made of sterner stuff.

Of course, not content to play the games I already own, my sister and I pooled our money together and sprung for a PS3 a couple of days ago. I purchased a copy of the Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection along with it (while she bought Mortal Kombat), but I’ve yet to try it out. OH WELL, maybe I’ll have more time for it next week!

Joshua Johnston

In what is certainly a first for me among single-player games, Xenoblade Chronicles will likely turn 100 this weekend — as in 100 hours. At 70 hours, I figured I’d be at the end by now, but around the 80 hour mark I decided to go back and hit a few sidequests I missed. In the process I realized, to my surprise, that I had vastly underestimated how deep the sidequests went in my earlier playing hours; apparently the way quests “chain” together (beating certain quests unlocks new ones) eluded me. As a result, I’ve done nothing but sidequests the last two weeks, and they’ve been awesome: I’ve rescued lost adventurers on far-flung mountains, plumbed the depths of cursed tombs, and gone undercover to break up a multinational drug ring. Along the way I’ve built up the relationships between my characters and experimented with various three character party combinations, although I think I still like the original trio of Shulk (fighter), Reyn (tank), and Sharla (healer) best.

Anyway, I plan to sneak in a few more hours this weekend into this game that seemingly has infinite legs. Did I mention I think it might be the best RPG I’ve ever played?

Now you’ve heard about what we’re playing this weekend, time to focus on you! What are you levelling up in your free time this week? Let us know in the comments below!

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