Nightly News Roundup: 05.03.2012

A new Wii U patent surfaces, Sakurai stands behind Kid Icarus: Uprising‘s controls, and Monster Hunter 3G‘s localization is still up in the air

By Kyle England. Posted 05/03/2012 18:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Nintendo patents a stand for the Wii U controller

A user in the NeoGaf forum has uncovered a new patent for a Wii U controller stand that was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The device appears to be similar to the cradle of the Nintendo 3DS. Judging from the notches on the bottom of the cradle, it’s safe to say that this device will be used to charge the battery of the Wii U controller as well as hold it.

Source: NeoGaf (via GoNintendo)

Sakurai defends Kid Icarus: Uprising controls

In an interview with IGN, Kid Icarus: Uprising’s director Masahiro Sakurai defended the game’s controversial control scheme. Many complained about the lack of an option to use the 3DS Circle Pad Pro in order to have a more traditional dual-analog scheme for moving and aiming. Sakurai responded to these complaints by saying that “Providing support for independent analog control was something that was technically impossible.” He went on to say that he wanted to provide a brand new experience with Uprising‘s controls, and that using traditional controls would have made the game have less of an impact. Sakurai also stated that he felt the speed of using stylus-aiming could not be matched by a joystick, which could cause the game’s multiplayer mode to be unbalanced.

For those who get hand cramps while playing Kid Icarus, Sakurai had this to say: “If there are players who say that it makes their hand tired, that’s because you’re applying too much force”. He firmly stands behind his design decisions with the controls, and stated that he thinks people will warm up to them much like they did to Super Smash Bros., which also had unconventional controls when it was released.

Source: IGN

Nintendo says the localization of Monster Hunter 3G is Capcom’s call

Games analyst David Gibson asked Nintendo today about the status of Monster Hunter 3G‘s localization for North America and/or Europe. “I asked nintendo and they said its up to capcom” he stated on his Twitter. The Monster Hunter series is wildly popular in Japan and has a cult following in other territories. However, it looks like we’re still in dark about whether or not the 3DS version will be released outside of Japan. Perhaps Capcom will announce it at E3?

Source: David Gibson (via GoNintendo)

One Response to “Nightly News Roundup: 05.03.2012”

  • 1 points
    Kevin Knezevic says...

    I have to agree with Sakurai on this one. I think Kid Icarus would feel much clunkier if it used a dual analog setup. While it takes some time to adjust to the controls, using the touch screen to both aim your reticule and rotate the camera allows for some much speedier (and more precise) gameplay.

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