Kirby is no longer a teenager!
Kirby turns 20! The round, pink, lovable…thing(?) celebrates his 20th birthday, marking two decades of fun gaming for one of Nintendo’s often forgotten flagship characters. Whether he is named after a lawyer that fought a lawsuit for Nintendo, or a brand of vacuum cleaner is still up for debate, but one thing’s for sure, he’s had a hell of a career.
Satoru Iwata blames casual image for Nintendo’s losses
Fresh from Nintendo suffering its first annual loss, Nintendo President Iwata has been quoted as placing partial blame on the company’s move towards more casual gaming, as opposed to the ‘hardcore’ gamer. Titles such as Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus, though best-sellers, may have alienated Nintendo fans who have become disillusioned with the broader image Nintendo is trying to convey, he claimed.
“[R]egrettably, what we prioritized in order to reach out to the new audience [on Wii and DS] was a bit too far from what we prioritized for those who play games as their hobby. Consequently, we presume some people felt that the Wii was not a game system for them…even though some compelling games had been released…”
said Iwata in an interview at an investor’s briefing.
Source: Pocket Gamer
Android for Wii U?
Though Nintendo has made clear it is opposed to venturing into the platform of mobile gaming, rumour has it that it is considering using Android software for at least part of the operating system for the upcoming Wii U. Not dissimilar in size and shape to an Android tablet, the Wii U may end up being similar in function to one too, with Nintendo in talks with Google.
This venture into the Android territory could mean an end to the threat of mobile gaming, as games such as Angry Birds (and its countless derivatives) have only continued to rise in sales. With the prospect of Wii U using Android technology, could this mean we soon could be downloading Android Apps alongside Nintendo apps, and playing Draw Something alongside Nintendo titles? While only speculation at best, only time will tell.
Source: Android Apps