Mark your calendars!!!
The Big N’s E3 2012 media presentation will officially take place Tuesday, June 5th at 9AM PST (12PM EST). The conference could last anywhere from one to two hours, most likely around ninety minutes. There will be enough Wii U news to keep you from focusing on school/work the next day.
Less than five weeks remain until the big day and if you call yourself a Nintendo fan, you cannot miss out!
My body is ready. Is yours?

Source: GoNintendo
Nintendo refocus on core gamer
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has made it publicly known that the company failed to strike a balance between casual and core gamers with Wii. Wii U’s first months are as vital as its second and third years on the market. Gamers want to see those core titles right away.
Prioritizing both width and depth, Nintendo seeks to satisfy not only people who loved Wii’s casual aspect but also the core market. The core fans will be the ones watching come E3 and it is up to Nintendo to win back old fans who gave up on Wii.
Wii had plenty of titles which took advantage of the Big N’s closet of heroes but they were few and far between. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a GameCube game with motion controls, came out in 2006. Zelda fans waited five long years for another adventure on Wii.
Source: Eurogamer
Pokémon go to war!

Nintendo has announced new details on the upcoming Pokémon Conquest, coming to DS, June 18th:
Story: To save the Ransei region from Nobunaga, a powerful Warlord who is trying to take over Ransei, players must conquer different kingdoms to strengthen and grow their own kingdom. There are 17 kingdoms in total to conquer. Conquering all 17 kingdoms and ultimately uniting the kingdom will awaken the Legendary Pokémon and save the land from destruction. Story mode is organized by episodes. Players unlock episodes as they progress and each episode features a different playable Warlord and victory conditions.
Army Mechanics: Players can grow their army by recruiting defeated Warlords and their Pokémon. After a kingdom is conquered, players will also have access to the kingdom facilities such as training grounds, shops to buy items and mines for money. Players can also strengthen their army by linking with Pokémon. Warlords can have various linked Pokémon and switch between them before battle to strategically prepare for the type of battle they are about to engage in.
Battle Mechanics: Players will encounter a wide range of battlefields as they progress through the game. Each of the 17 kingdoms has a different type-themed battlefield. For example, in the fire-themed kingdom of Ignis, players can battle around lava flows, lava beds and fire spouts. Strategically using water-type Pokémon to navigate through this battlefield will help players conquer this kingdom. Additionally, players can use the kingdom training grounds to train their army or find wild Pokémon and link with them. After battling with a Warlord, the game automatically registers them. Using the built-in local wireless features of Nintendo DS, players can use their registered armies to battle with friends who also own the game.
Warlords and Pokémon: Each Warlord has a special ability that can change the tide of battle. For example, Warlord Oichi has the ability to heal all the Pokémon in a player’s army. Also, like Pokémon, Warlords have types that will determine how well they link to particular Pokémon. Some Warlords will have the ability to choose from and link with several different kinds of Pokémon.
Source: PR email