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Evan and Noah navigate through Nintendo’s quarterly report and game announcements and debate the value of annual Mario games. Plus, their love for Xenoblade Chronicles only grows. Bit.Trip Saga impressions, too.
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Recording Date
May 2, 2012
Evan and Noah
00:00:00 Introduction
00:08:43 Player Input: Xenoblade Chronicles and Bit.Trip Saga
00:39:22 Nintendo’s Quarterly Report & New Game Announcements
01:46:00 Conclusion
01:49:14 Credits
01:51:02 Total Length
The only monsters in Xenoblade you can’t defeat are the ones that come up as red. You definitely can defeat monsters who are higher levels than you, but you just have to be very, very careful. I’ve done it on a couple of occasions, but it’s taken ages.
I’m quite surprised that you’ve had to grind so much though. I hardly had to grind at all – I was exploring and side-questing most of the time to level up and found my levels to be a-okay.
I’m currently a couple of levels away from the end of BIT.TRIP Runner. Only three more to go… Good job on finishing it though, Evan. I bow down to your superior Runner powers! I ended up choosing the Complete version for Wii, so it’s interesting to hear your thoughts on Saga. I wanted the extra challenges and unlockable content, but I do kinda envy not being able to play it on the go.
I also really need to play a Fire Emblem game too! Sacred Stones here we come!
Im also playing Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, its my first Fire Emblem game, and so far is very interesting. I hope i can finish it, and that Nintendo decides to bring Awakening to America, because it looks beautiful.
Thank you guys!
Looks like the biggest news this week was the digital downloads for all major first and third parties games on wiiu and 3ds. I think is good that Nintendo is offering this way of purchasinf games, but personally i would never buy a downloaded game over a phisical retail game. First of all is the question of storage, if its in a harddrive it looks ugly next to the console, if its in a sd card there is no room for multiple games, if its in the cloud i have to pay for it, and what happens if for some reason the data is lost? Then the game is lost forever. Besides the case, booklet and cd art are special for me and i feel i Own something, but with a digital copy i dont get that feeling. I’m also think that paying the same for retail and downloable games is not fair, the downloable games should be cheaper.
Oh, when you transfer to a new 3DS, it transfers everything except your DSi Ware saves. But it keeps everything else, including your Friend Code. Friend Codes are attached to the “system” but it moves the “system” from the old unit to the new unit.
A lot of Whoopi Goldberg fans on the podcast, me thinks :P