Fable and Godus creator Peter Molyneux has declared Nintendo far from dead in a recent interview with IGN. While he concedes that Wii U is “not a sexy piece of hardware” and that Nintendo has “lost their way,” Molyneux believes that the company is “probably one hardware release away from something that utterly convinces us that they know exactly what the future of gaming should be.”
Wii U’s struggles have been well-publicized by gaming and mainstream media as of late, but it’s comforting to know that a designer like Molyneux has faith that Nintendo can turn things around.
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Source: Nintendo Life
Here’s what Game Informer had to say about the Wii U in the Top 10 Disappointments of 2013: “With no universal friends list, no universal game chat, and annoying friend codes, Nintendo has dug a deep hole it may not be able to climb out of.” …….. Friend codes?! Have they even attempted to try the online system? I have around ten friends, and I didn’t give any of them a friend code. You see, mainstream media loves to bash on Nintendo because its what all the cool kids are doing these days. They do this without even having first-hand experience with the system! Now granted, GI is one of the most biased gaming info sources out there, but still. At least give Nintendo a fair trial.