EarthBound Now Available on Wii U Virtual Console

The long lost SNES classic is now live in North America and Europe!

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 07/18/2013 09:30 8 Comments     ShareThis

Earthbound Magicant Screenshot

Bet you didn’t see that one coming. In a surprise Nintendo Direct Mini broadcast this morning, Nintendo announced that the long lost SNES RPG EarthBound, which was previously confirmed for the Wii U Virtual Console “before the end of the year,” will be available to download starting today.

Unlike other SNES titles, the Virtual Console version of EarthBound retails for $9.99 USD, but this premium price also gets you a digital copy of its strategy guide, which is a nice bonus for fans and newcomers alike.

Will you be downloading EarthBound today? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Nintendo Direct Mini

8 Responses to “EarthBound Now Available on Wii U Virtual Console”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    So, let’s get this out first; yay!! Now, real talk, two extra bucks and zero build-up to let people know it’s coming out? Huh? The Nintendo bizareness continues. Seriously, what did they have to do other than port it like any other SNES game that merits the higher price tag? Wouldn’t it be nice to keep the pricing the same as other SNES games to encourage people to buy it? SIGH.

    • 1 points
      Kevin Knezevic says...

      I’d normally agree with you about the price difference, but considering Nintendo went through the effort to give us a digital strategy guide as well, I’m not too fussed about the two extra dollars. Plus I got the game for free thanks to the Digital Deluxe promotion. ;P

      It would’ve been nice to at least know about the broadcast in advance, though…

      • 1297 points
        Robert Marrujo says...

        I appreciate the free guide, too, but if you’re going to reinvigorate the franchise there should be zero barriers. It’s just odd to me how Nintendo has approached this. I’d like to see EB go on to sell very well, though.

        • 45 points
          terribledeli says...

          I don’t think this is an attempt to reinvigorate the franchise.

          I think it’s an attempt to make the virtual console somewhat of a selling point again. After, let’s face it, a lackluster showing since its debut in April. The virtual console (and eShop in general) should always fatten up weak retail week.

          eBay prices go for a disgusting amount, so Nintendo knew the fanbase won’t mind dropping a tenner for it. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t offer it for $15, using the excitement surrounding the release and digital guide as a justification.

        • 1297 points
          Robert Marrujo says...

          The VC and its anemic support from Nintendo frustrates to no end. I disagree, though; Nintendo never wants to just sell one installment of anything. If EB sales miraculously shoot through the roof, I guarantee they’ll reevaluate the idea of Mother 1 and 3 hitting the US to some capacity. Sigh; at least, I HOPE.

    • 225 points
      wombatguy880 says...

      Well according to legend. Earthbound has a few licensing concerns which is what yielded the higher price. The reality is you are complaining about a game that is $10 then rather then point fingers and blame Nintendo, realize the problem is you. Yes games can be $.99 today or even free! but if you think that’s the business model everyone should jump for joy towards then you’ve never played a game as amazing as Earthbound.

      • 1297 points
        Robert Marrujo says...

        Did you read anything I wrote? I own EB and spent a heck of a lot of money on it. I never mentioned anything about .99 cents or free pricing, so I don’t know why you mentioned it; those words aren’t even in the post. I DID say that the pricing is arbitrary, because until Nintendo verifies that licensing is the reason behind the premium I had to pay, it shall indeed remain a legend and nothing more. Btw, I bought this game TWICE on Thurs because I own two Wii Us; I’m pretty sure I like EB and know what a great game it is. Your argument is baseless because it doesn’t reflect my post and what I actually typed. Stop harassing me and pay attention before typing or I’ll ignore you.

      • 1297 points
        Robert Marrujo says...

        Seriously, if you mangle/ignore/distort what I post, you get ignored. Try to have respect if you want a legitimate debate. I have every right as a consumer who has spent thousands of dollars on every Nintendo system for over twenty years to wonder why EB is being sold at a premium, particularly when Japan got it as part of their version of the .30 cent sale.

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