For those of you who have found yourselves growing a little weary of the same old Zelda formula, you’re not alone.
The man in charge of the series himself, Eiji Aonuma, has stated that he more or less feels the same way. While talking to the LA Times, Aonuma says that while he doesn’t want to stray from the formula too much, he still is growing tired of it. He talks about how he branches out more and more with the games, trying to think of new ideas on how to make the series still feel fresh. And for a series that has gone through as many evolutions as the Legend of Zelda has, it is pretty astounding how they’ve managed to stay this fresh.
This talk from Eiji Aonuma only raises further questions about what the Wii U installment of the series will bring. Could it be a real game changer? Or maybe he’ll stray way too much from the formula that he’ll alienate fans. Whichever way he goes, we’re fine with it so long as it’s better than the CDi- Zelda games…
Source: Nintendo Life
if only they change things like those damn descriptions every time you get a item or key i will be fine, thats the ONLY thing that bothers me about zelda.
Agreed, the descriptors get old real fast. Why there’s no option to turn them off is beyond me.
I don’t mind some of the variety that’s been introduced in the past two console installments, but the Zelda formula is what makes the series so unique. It’s like Pokemon; there aren’t many games like it, so I don’t care if the gameplay isn’t drastically overhauled between each release.
I’ll agree with y’all that the way we keep getting Keys, Maps, and Compasses, we know what they are used for you don’t have to keep reminding us what they’re used for. Now for my two cents on what needs to be on the next Zelda adventure: full on Steampunk. Granted the fact that we’ve had some elements of it but I’m personally tired of the Medieval setting and a Steampunk Setting IMO would be a breath of fresh air.