News: No Metal Gear Rising on Wii U

Kojima Productions & Nintendo will not be bedfellows anytime soon.

By Luke Brown. Posted 12/18/2012 20:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

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In an interview with Eurogamer, the makers of the forthcoming Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance have confirmed that they will not be bringing the eagerly awaited title to Wii U. This will not come as too much of a surprise to the majority of you, given that, outside of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Solid Snake and Nintendo have not joined forces for some time.


When asked about the possibility of a Wii U port, producer Yuji Korekado was quoted as saying the following:

“We aren’t currently thinking about that.”

“One of the strongest appeals of the Wii U is the GamePad. However, we’ve constructed Metal Gear Rising so you can fully enjoy the game on the controllers whether it’s on the PS3 or the Xbox. So, currently we aren’t thinking about Metal Gear Rising on the Wii U.”

So, I guess all us Nintendo worshippers can do now is sit back and hope that the game is an unmitigated disaster. After all, any game which seems to feature Raiden so prominently is bound to fail, right?

Source: Eurogamer

5 Responses to “News: No Metal Gear Rising on Wii U”

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    But, the GamePad have two analog sticks and buttons, too. There’s also the Pro Controller and old Wii Classic Controllers available.

    This is just the start of another generation of bad 3rd party support.

    • 1597 points
      penduin says...

      Agreed – it’s a pretty indefensible position. Not having creative ideas about how to use one feature of the controller is no reason to pass on the entire system.

      But, I’m not convinced it’s a sign of lousy third party support just yet. The DS had similar struggles at first – many games had nothing worthwhile to show or do on the second screen, or worse, had nothing but tried to force its use anyway. Once it became understood that it was OK to just use it for status or a map or something else pedestrian, suddenly third parties became much more comfortable on the platform. Eventually, some of them even got pretty clever with the dual-screen setup.

      Wii U offerings feel a lot of pressure right now to do something mind-melting with the gamepad, which is silly but understandable. I bet that goes away quickly though – we’ve seen already that even seemingly tacked-on uses of the gamepad (see Batman or Assassin’s Creed) are actually pretty cool, and the Wii U can be just another target platform if a developer wants to think of it that way.

  • 48 points
    RodSF4 says...

    or they could have used the Wii Motion Plus…

    but honestly, maybe they’re just afraid the investment needed to port this to Wii U is just not worth it, if it becomes a mediocre hack-n-slash “lazy port”.

    i would prefer if Kojima creates a game with the Wii U gamepad in mind. he did say it’s a special case and that if he did make a game for it, it would be unique to the console.

    • 261 points
      JasonMaivia says...

      The Wii had many developers stating that a Wii game would be “special” or would need the extra attention to have something unique to the platform.
      Some of them just added waggle.
      Some gave us shovelware with no real effort.
      Most of them never bothered with the Wii at all.

      I’m starting to see the same thing happening.
      I don’t remember that many negative reports about 3rd party support for the Xbox 360 around the time it launched. It also had a good deal of great 3rd party games, like Dead or Alive 4, Oblivion, Saints Row, Dead Rising, Blue Dragon, Ridge Racer 6, and Rumble Roses XX and many, many more all within the first year of the console’s life, and a lot of them weren’t just last gen ports.

      Looking at Wii U, Capcom’s porting over a 3DS game (Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate), SquareEnix is porting over a Wii game (Dragon Quest X), Transformers Prime (LOL) Wii Port (seriously?), Where in the hell is Konami, and why aren’t they supporting Wii U with anything?

      Most of the launch window games looks pretty good if you don’t already own a PS3 or Xbox 360…and that’s where the problem lies. Where are the console exclusives?

      I hoping for a good future. I’d love fewer excuses why Game X (Metro, is cancelled, and more game announcements for NEW games from 1st and 3rd party companies.
      Nintendo can’t win over the core gamer without great third party support. Losing them in the N64 era and never recovering was why the PSOne, PS2, and Xbox360/PS3 have become big fan favorites to many.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    On the bright side, the much-more-interesting-looking Ground Zeroes practically screams for Wii U support, with its mysterious retro-futuristic projected gamepad-sized map thing.

    I’ll probably break down and get Rising on the PS3, though part of me is still really wary of an over-the-top action entry of a stealth series. I just hope it’s not full of simon-says BS like so many other action games.

    game: “Press X now to not die!”
    me: “screw you, lazy game!”

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