News: Mega Man Coming to 3DS Virtual Console

Mega Man 2-6 arriving in 2013.

By Lukas Velunta. Posted 12/17/2012 20:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

The folks at the Capcom-Unity blog have announced the classic NES title Mega Man will release on the 3DS Virtual Console on December 27. Mega Man 2, the vastly improved sequel, will launch on February 7 next year, and the rest of the NES followups will come “in regular intervals throughout 2013”.

All of the Famicom games are out on the Japanese VC, and Mega Man has been available on the European VC for a while now. Good to know Capcom is rekindling the love for the Blue Bomber, after a disappointing last couple of years.

Source: Capcom Unity

3 Responses to “News: Mega Man Coming to 3DS Virtual Console”

  • 240 points
    Windy says...

    Personally I hope they will make them 3d Classics I love those. More than likely they will keep them the way they are

  • 276 points
    Nicolas Vestre says...

    I’ll definitely be getting these as they get released. I’ve beaten 1-6 on Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GameCube over 8 years ago and it’s time to revisit these gems. :)

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    Woohoo! I loves me some classic Megaman. With the VC’s snapshot feature, I might even finally be able to finish the first one. :^) I never played 4-6 much, but I think I’ll be picking them all up for my trusty 3DS.

    …It’s win-win: cheap awesome gameplay for me, and perhaps even a message to Capcom’s boneheaded decision-makers that yes, we 3DS gamers do love and crave Megaman. If there’s even the tiniest chance of resurrecting Legends, I’m in.

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