News: Miyamoto Looking for More Third Party Wii U Developers

Nintendo looking to build bridges.

By Luke Brown. Posted 11/06/2012 12:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

News Desk Masthead - Wii U 2

Nintendo has consistently produced AAA first party games for its various consoles and handhelds. However, these systems, particularly in recent years, have often lacked solid third party support as a number of developers have stuck to releasing their games on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. While you could simply put this down to the fact that Wii was underpowered compared to its rivals, this situation looks set to change as we head towards the impending launch of Wii U.

God himself (Miyamoto) has recently told IGN that he will be meeting with a number of unnamed development companies in the hope that they will be able to bring their titles to Nintendo’s new system. His plan is to demonstrate the power and opportunities that Wii U can bring and he was quoted as saying the following:

I am trying to meet with the game developers individually for this matter. The real matter is whether I’ll be able to–we’ll be able to–convince developers inside of the licensing publishers to be excited about the new features of the Wii U, so much so that they’ll be enthused towards making brand new entertainment that I couldn’t come up with myself.

How could you possibly say no to this man?

While I hope this doesn’t mean that Nintendo will take any focus away from continuing to create incredible first party titles, the realist in me knows that this can only be a good thing for Wii U and can help ensure Nintendo can stand their ground when the other next generation consoles enter the fray. With exclusive third party games such as Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 already announced, I am excited to see how successful Miyamoto’s meetings will be.

What third party companies would you love to see releasing games for Wii U? Let us know in the comments below.

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