News: Miyamoto Doesn’t Get Why Fans Want More F-Zero

“What do you want from this series that we haven’t done already?” says the great game guru.

By Kyle England. Posted 11/05/2012 18:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

Remember F-Zero? The awesome series with the blistering speeds and crazy loops? We got a release of an F-Zero game each generation, up until the most current one that is. The last F-Zero game released on a console was 2003’s F-Zero GX, and fans are hungry for more. Sure, there’s the F-Zero minigame in Nintendo Land, but I think that only serves to get us even more pumped about a full-fledged release for Wii U. But it seems that our beloved Miyamoto does not entirely understand our sentiments.

French gaming website Gamekult recently interviewed Nintendo developer and all-around swell guy Shigeru Miyamoto. Gamekult ran a survey on Twitter asking their fans what Nintendo series they missed the most, and the French gamers’ most popular choice was F-Zero. Miyamoto was quite surprised with these results. He seemed quite pleased that gamers were fans of the futuristic racer, but he was puzzled as to why they wanted more.

“I thought people were tired of it. So, I want to say thank you very much for your patience and suggest you try the F-Zero mini-game in Nintendo Land. I’m also very curious and would like to ask these people: why F-Zero? What do you want from this series that we haven’t done already?”

This is already pretty, but imagine it in 1080p.

Obviously, an F-Zero game on Wii U would have loads of potential. A new game could have high definition graphics, online multiplayer, GamePad functionality, and even more awesome techno music. Miyamoto probably does not see the point of reviving the series unless Nintendo comes up with some sort of new gameplay hook.

In a way, I feel like it’s actually nice that a developer thinks a game series has done enough. These days, too many companies pump out sequel after sequel just for the sake of doing so. However, I would wager that the reason Nintendo and Miyamoto aren’t putting too much consideration into a new F-Zero at the moment is because it might not sell as well as other big series. Wii U might have to prove itself with trusted big-selling titles like New Super Mario Bros. U and Wii Fit U before Nintendo gives the green light for a new entry in a series like F-Zero. But, I have hope. Everyone reading this now, mark my words. I believe that we will be getting a new F-Zero sometime this generation. I feel it in my gut.

Source: Nintendo Gamer

5 Responses to “News: Miyamoto Doesn’t Get Why Fans Want More F-Zero”

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    This … makes … me … MAD!

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    Miyamoto doesn’t understand because he doesn’t play the games that we do. He’ll never understand if he ignores the fanbase that loves the series. He’ll never understand that the last F-Zero games released on GBA were kinda poopy (in comparison to the 3D games), and won’t understand how they loved the GX on Gamecube.

    It seems like he purposely didn’t release it on Wii because he doesn’t want to, not because the fans weren’t into the series.

    If he doesn’t want anything to do with F-Zero any more, he should hand complete control of the franchise over to someone else. What Nintendo EAD had done with F-Zero X on N64 was great. What Amusement Vision/Sega had done with F-Zero GX was even better.

  • 57 points
    Po-Yi Ho says...

    New gameplay hook?
    I would definitely buy a game all about the knee…

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    Hand F-Zero to a “B-team” then, as was done with New Super Mario 2. Sometimes “more of the same” is just the ticket. …Running in HD and/or 3D can’t hurt either. :^)

    Better yet, hand it over entirely to Sega. They could use an established (and not driven-into-the-ground) franchise, and F-Zero could use another serving of their flashy, hardcore wizardry.

    • 156 points
      Bradly Halestorm says...

      I agree with everything you said, Penduin. I’d love to see the team behind NSMB2 take a stab at it. My thing is, a game can’t necessarily be “more of the same” when an installment hasn’t been released in almost a decade.

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