We look back at this week’s issue and pick our favourite news and comments!
Interview: Broken Rules on Chasing Aurora
We chat with the developers behind And Yet It Moves about their latest Wii U project.
Video Preview: Skylanders Giants (Wii)
We give an in-depth look at some Skylanders figurines as well as how the game caters to young adults.
News: Wii U Content Not Limited to Nintendo’s Newest System
What? You mean we’ll be able to access the Nintendo Network on non-Nintendo hardware!? Blasphemy!
News: Transferring Wii Data to Wii U
Your step-by-step guide for launch day.
News: Yasumi Matsuno Leaves Level-5
Tactics Ogre creator seeks greener pastures.
Retro Scope: Street Fighter II
What? Square Roots has evolved into a brand new retro column? Well, we better celebrate by unleashing our mighty hadouken!
Wii U 101: Everything You Need to Know About…Batman: Arkham City
Missed out on the Dark Knight’s greatest video game adventures first time round? Luke’s here to tell you all about them.
News: Cult Platformer Shantae Returning to 3DS eShop
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse releases sometime in 2013.
News: Wii U Unboxed by Iwata Himself
Gloves on, Iwata opens up a Wii U Premium Pack.
News: Nintendo Direct Reveals Wii U Community Features
We’re talking a new username system, Wii U Chat, and WaraWara Plaza.
Nintendo Heartcast Episode 034: Commercial Failure
Noah and Evan aren’t thrilled with Wii U’s North American launch commercials.
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