When Pokémon Gold and Silver released back in late 2000, the world was introduced to two new types of Pokémon: Dark and Steel. These two types helped to balance out the unfair advantage Psychic-type Pokémon had over so many other pocket monsters. Since then, we’ve seen several new generations of Pokémon games come and go, but never any new classification types. Until… this next one, perhaps?
That’s what one man is claiming, at least. In 2010, @Hirobyte on Twitter, supposedly an employee at the Spanish Official Nintendo Magazine, leaked several creatures from Pokémon Black and White that had not yet been revealed. Now he’s claiming that Sylveon, the newly announced evolution of the Pokémon Eevee, and Xerneas, the Pokémon appearing on the cover art for Pokémon X, are both of a heretofore never-before-seen classification type: Fairy.
It’s… super effective? Maybe?
@Hirobyte also claims that some previous Pokémon could be retroactively getting the Fairy-type classification as well, namely Clefable and Togetic. He also “revealed” that Yveltal, the legendary Pokémon appearing on the cover art for Pokémon Y, is a dual Dark- and Flying-type.
Of course, this is all merely a rumor at this point, but if true, it raises plenty of questions. First and foremost being what the strengths and weaknesses of these new Pokémon types are, exactly.
As always, stay tuned to Nintendojo for more as it develops.
Source: NeoGAF
ugh, I really don’t want new types. at all.
especially one that will incite so many snickers all across the interwebs.
I’m still undecided on a new type myself. On the one hand, I think the series is already pretty balanced as it stands, but on the other, adding a new type would shake the gameplay up in a pretty big way, which I’d be excited to see.
As for snickers across the Internet, I would consult this Twitter account on how to best deal with those. ;)
I’m not interested in seeing a Fairy and Demon type….
I, for one, am all for this, provided Game Freak can make it work. And this is a studio that has way more titles in the “hit” column than they do in the miss. I can see the hesitation, but sometimes you have to shake things up a little bit. That’s probably why I enjoyed Black and White so much. It felt like the most original Pokemon game since Gold and Silver.